Hong Yuet Hostel –Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons
Service Capacity: 51
• “Hong Yuet House”
–Male 25 persons
• “Hong Yuet Court”
– Female 26 persons
Aged 15 or above Severely mentally handicapped
or severely physically handicapped people
Unfit for day training placement
In need of intensive personal care, such as assistance in
dressing, toileting and meals; and
Not being bed-ridden or requiring substantial
medical/nursing care.
Service Description
Continuous care will be provided to services users by qualified nursing staff;
There are nursing staff to be on duty 24 hours a day, to provide quality care service to services users;
In the Centre, there is an allied health team that provide clinical psychology consultation services, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy to the severely disabled service users;
The Hostel monitors the trainees’ welfare regularlyand provide guidance service when necessary.
Activities and Training
The Hostel has installed indoor exercising apparatus to help service users to strengthen their physical functioning;
Various groups are organised to help service users to develop hobbies;
A large-scale annual outing would be organised every year so that service users would also be able to keep in contact with the community and continue to maintain diversity in their life.