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Padma & Hari Harilela Integrated Rehabilitation Centre
Work Extension Programme

Service Mission:
• To provide day-time extended care service for trainees who are old and less skilled at work.
• To take care of service user's personal health in all-round and intensive way.
• To provide community health development activities, enhance the social skills of the elder 
  disabled, cultivate their personal interests and teach them to make good use of spare time, thus 
  preparing them for later life.

Service Description:
• Provide day-time medical care.
• Provide self-care and health education activities.
• Provide interest classes, personal development groups.
• Provide community integration actvities.

Service capacity:
10 persons

Eligibility for service:
Persons with disabilities who are: 
a. IVRSC trainees;
b. Trainees aged 40-59, occupational therapist/ physiotherapist's assessment is required;  
for those aged 60 or above would be accepted for the programme with no requirement of assessment;

Service hours:

  • Mon to Fri 9:00am ~ 5:00pm
  • Sat 9:00am ~ 1:00pm
  • Closed during Sunday and Public holidays


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