Art, leading to self-absorption and full enjoyment...
Art creation, make you realize physical disability is not a predicament...
Art allows individuals with physical disabilities to fulfill their potentials and enhance their creativity. It also facilitates them to express their feelings and develop their personal style.
Super Lightweight Modelling Clay
Using super lightweight modelling clay and paint together with their imagination and kneading techniques, trainees create art pieces in various forms and shapes.
Antique watches/Bracelets
The process of creating a piece of an antiques watch/bracelet include: weaving, gluing up accessories as well as other techniques. These activities are beneficial for trainees. They learn to be more attentive and have their eye-hand coordination getting trained up.
Hair band and accessories
These beautifully designed hair band and accessories are made with careful selection of fabrics and delicate sewing.
Crystal Magnet
All these shiny and gorgeous crystal magnets are made by trainees, simply by gluing crystal onto a piece of magnet. These activities help out trainees learning the concepts of size, as well as using scissors and LED lamps.
Card Holder
With the usage of simple handcrafting skills such as gluing up and sewing , trainees make these stylish and trendy card holders.
Button Collage
Trainees paste used buttons onto ready made figures to create beautiful artworks. It is made simple and easy for trainees with physical disabilities.

In the process of watercolour painting, trainees’ creative thoughts are expressed freely. Through which, trainees also gain knowledge in colour concepts and learn some basic drawing skills .
