¶ 2024-12-09
Promotion of "SPED" in《ESG Opportunities of Social Enterprise》Seminar detail
¶ 2024-11-15
Promotion of "SPED" in《Diversity through Integration and Creating Opportunities through Collaboration》Seminar detail
¶ 2024-10-24
Promotion of "SPED" in《Creating New Opportunities through Convergence and Integration》Job Fair detail
¶ 2024-10-15
Promotion of "SPED" in《HKSMEGA - Partner Employer Award Ceremony 2024》 detail
¶ 2024-09-28
Promotion of "SPED" in《Carnival of the Social Inclusion 2024》 detail
¶ 2024-08-12
Promotion of "SPED" in《ESG Opportunities of Social Enterprise》 detail