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Pokfulam Rehabilitation Centre

Day Activity Centre

The Centre works out user-specific personal training schemes to promote the overall development of service users, enhance their independence in work, and improve their social and self-care skills.

Service Description

  • Provide living skills trainings on self-care, communication, home life, social adaption, simple work, etc.
  • Hold various social, educational and interest groups
  • Arrange various festival celebrations, birthday parties, and cultural and recreational activities
  • Provide counselling services
  • Provide professional support services: Clinical psychologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists regularly visit service users to provide professional services.

Eligibility for the Service

  • Severely mentally handicapped persons aged 15 or above.
  • Not bedridden or requiring infirmary care.
  • Adaptable to group living and having no serious aggressive behaviour.

Service Hours

Monday to Friday
09:00-17:00 (may extend to 21:00 if necessary)
Special Event