About Us
PLK Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chiu Kong Memorial Centre, formerly known as PLK 82 Hin Keng Centre, was renamed on 1st June 2023. It commenced operation in January 1987. It is a Day Activity Centre cum Hostel which provides training and residential services for 56 persons with mental handicap. To provide family-like residential services, self-care and daily living skills training, health care and other supportive services. Besides, it also provides a great variety of recreational activities to enhance service users' social skills attained for a quality life and enabling their better integration into the community.
Service Objectives
- To provide daily living skills training for low moderate to severe grade
mental handicap female and help them become more independent in daily living
and self-help skills.
- To provide residential and personal care services to service users so as
to share the burdens of their parents/caregivers.
- To prepare the service users for progression to sheltered employment and
residential services where feasible.
- To provide counseling services to parents/caregivers so as to promote
their relationship and build up supportive network among them.
Service Objectives
- For low moderate to severe grade mental handicap female aged 15 and or
- Assessed by Clinical Psychologist as low moderate to severe grade mental
- Lack of family personal care and willing to receive day activity
training and residential services.
- With no active infectious disease, not bed ridden and attention care.
- Mentally and emotional stable.
Without aggressive behaviors towards others or herself which causing
severe injury.
- Not eligible for vocational training or sheltered employment.
- For Extended Care Program (ECP) service users with 50 years old
or above and receiving Day Activity Centre cum Hostel service. They could no longer benefit from prolonged
or intensive training due to ageing or deterioration of health condition. Assessed by the Standardize Assessment
Mechanism for Residential Services for People with Disabilities to be eligible
for HSMH or Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons service.
Day Activity Centre cum Hostel : 16 persons
Extended Care Program and Residential : 40 persons
Service Hour
Day Activity Centre / Extended Care Program
Monday to Friday (except public holidays) 9:00a.m.- 3:30p.m.
Residential Service : Monday to Sunday (24 Hours)
Service Charge
According to boarding and meal charge rates set by Social Welfare
Department. Charges for other fees such
as activity fee, air-conditioning fee are set according to our Kuk’s policy.
Application Procedure
All referrals can be made by social workers to the Central Referral
System for Rehabilitation Services (CRSRehab) of the Social Welfare Department.
Termination of Service
Either our Kuk or the service users can self-withdrawal from the
service. Advance notification to other parties should be made on such changes and all relevant formalities should
be completed before the change.
Enquiry and Complaint
For any enquiries or complaints, please contact our Operation Manager at
2605 6801. All complaints
will be treated confidentially.
LORCHD No. : D0169 (with valid license)