Day care service for person with severe disabilities(DC/SD)
Provide day-care services for severely mentally handicapped/severely physically handicapped persons five days a week in order to alleviate the caregivers’ pressure.
Eligibility for the Service
- persons with severe mentally handicapped /severe physically handicapped;
- aged between 15 to 59;
- disability level should be equivalent to those eligible for Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons or Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons;
- not bed-ridden or requiring infirmary care;
- without severe aggressive behaviour endangering self and/or others;
- without infectious disease;
- in need of day care service; and priority to be given to those without waitlisting for residential care services.
Service Capacity
10 places per day
Application Methods
Referred by social workers
Transportation fee: $10 per trip
DC/SD (lunch included): $61 per day / $1002 per month