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Clinical Psychological Service

What is Clinical Psychology?

To put it simply, clinical psychology uses psychological theory and research findings to analyze and treat some “abnormal” human behavior or state, aiming to promote mental health and development and improve quality of life.

What “Abnormal” Behaviors May Appear on Individuals with intellectual disabilities?

Research suggests that only 10-15% of individuals with intellectual disabilities have “abnormal” behaviours. The so called “abnormal” behaviors usually refer to bizarre behaviors which trouble the society, hinder personal development and are difficult to manage.

The abnormal behaviours include:

  • Being uncooperative, behave aggressively or destructively like beating others or destroying objects;
  • Injure themselves like hitting their own heads, biting or scratching themselves;
  • Repeat meaningless actions like swaying their bodies ceaselessly, playing with some objects excessively, sucking their fingers;
  • Make excessive noise or cries;
  • Behave actively or flinch excessively, have inappropriate sexual behaviors like masturbating in public;
  • Ruminate, eat indiscriminately, etc.
  • A small number of individuals with developmental disabilities may have psychotic symptoms like depression, anxiety, etc.;
  • These problems, generally known as behavioural problems, are often persistent and hard to handle with ordinary methods.

How do Clinical Psychologists Handle Behavioural Problems?

A clinical psychologist will firstly assess the nature, psychological factors and seriousness of behavioural problems, collect and analyze relevant data, and then make psychological analysis and work out a treatment plan according to the assessment result. A clinical psychologist may provide individuals with intellectual disabilities with behavioural or psychological treatment in person, or instruct his colleagues to give the individuals with intellectual disabilities therapeutic training or suggest methods for them to handle the behavioural problems, and accordingly change the environment in support of the therapeutic training.

A clinical psychologist may also provide colleagues or carers with consulting services, and suggest methods for them to handle behavioural problems. The aim is to alleviate and reduce behavioural problems, and promote their positive and beneficial behaviours based on the psychological needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities. For example, improve their ability to study, communicate, control emotions, socialize, etc.  

Apart From Handling Behavioural Problems of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, What Else Services Will Clinical Psychologists Provide?

Apart from assessing behavioural problems, a clinical psychologist may make intelligence or other psychological assessments for individuals who have such need. Intelligence assessment is generally known as IQ test. It provides scientific data, reveals test subjects’ cognitive ability, strengths and weaknesses. Other psychological assessments include assessments on psychological health and state, character, communication and social relation. Persons in need can also obtain psychotherapy services.

Clinical psychologists provide training lectures for colleagues or carers, teaching them relevant psychological knowledge and application methods thereof, aiming at a better care for individuals with developmental disabilities. Clinical psychologists will provide psychological service for individual carers who have such need. Clinical psychologists provide referral service for individuals who have such need, and arrange other appropriate professional services for them, such as occupational therapist service and psychiatric services.  

How to Obtain Clinical Psychological Service?

A service user has to be referred by our social worker before he/she can obtain clinical psychological service. For further information about clinical psychological service, please contact our social workers for rehabilitation services or clinical psychologists.
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